Octoberween 2018

Somewhere in October, the fever of summer breaks and it’s tolerable to leave the house again-works out well that it also happens to be Halloween season. Here’s a photo wrap up of the month to fully demonstrate how bad my camera is.

We started out with our annual trip to Spirit to look at this year’s giant creepy animatronic offerings. We don’t usual buy much here because it’s pretty over-priced, but we did grab Lily a replacement broom for her costume.

Next we headed over to this new “Scream Park”. They advertised a kid’s area for the daytime and the girls enjoyed themselves enough but the rides were scary in the wrong sort of way and the entry fee was too high for what it was. If the place is still around in a few years we’ll give it another try.

The greeter was friendly, but Lily wouldn’t go near him.
The “pumpkin patch” wasn’t one, but the little hay maze was cute. Lots of places for photos like the one here where Violet is The Saddest Corn.
They left the place up to 50x more terrifying then when we got there.


Carousel Gardens closes in November and by the time it opens in March, it’s already almost too hot to enjoy, so an October trip is our tradition. It’s still 95 degrees, but it’s not 115 degrees, so it’s an improvement.

The best mood.
We used to split into teams so I can take Violet on the big kid rides and Mark watches Lily on the little kid ones.
They can go on rides without me now so I no longer have that excuse to ride the Tilt-a-Whirl with them  17 times in a day. I’m still going to do it though.
Violet takes big sistering seriously and was glad to take Lily on some big kid rides without me. It got pretty boring. Found some neat Fall plants. Behold.
 I had them run around the rest of the park to ensure an early bedtime.

There was a lot of walking this month since it was finally cool enough to explore our new neighborhood and get our legs and feet strong for the upcoming Boo at the Zoo and trick-or-treating.

Boot weather is good weather.


Lily insisted on being the exact same witch as last year and Violet was thrilled to be her pet fox.

She likes this witch dress because it matches my hair and she is adorable.

The Zoo People had bugs you could touch. She named this one Noodle.
See that face? She’s having none of this.
I reminded her that she had rubbed her fingers all over those bugs and did not wash her hands before eating her snack with those same hands. 
The most beautiful witch ever.

I didn’t get any pictures of the actual trick- or -treating because I didn’t want to carry my phone all night, but here are the pumpkins that lasted only one night outside before succumbing to the heat. Violet went to a pumpkin carving party at a friend’s house and Lily and I did ours the same night, but…well, they’re like minded as evidenced by these cat-o- lanterns:


In closing, here is a sampling of our Halloween feastings:

FYI Olives go a long way in creepy food accents.
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