Her fingers spend a fair amount of time studiously running along elbows or knees feeling for the bones under the skin.
Category: inherent creepiness
Mucklebones, Magic Pants, and Jedi! Oh My!
She spent days playing this game where she’d pile up all of her baby dolls somewhere and tell me I had to rescue them from her because she had proclaimed herself to be The Goblin King.
Bedtime Story
Nightmare Monkey is an unstoppable force.
Sister Smiles
Apparently she needs to learn the subtle distinction between lighthearted fun and total menace.
Mommy Cry
If you are thinking that a 2 year old can’t possibly hit that hard, you have to understand that she puts her whole 25+ pound body into it and, if you are a good parent, you resist the urge to fling your child across the room.
Imaginary Ghosts
When she was around Lily’s age she would have whispered conversations with monsters in the cabinets.
We’re All Mad Here