For the Love of Sweaters and Velvet

Our Fall days have been far more this:


Than this:

Velvet and sweater weather for a day.

It has been, with the exception of last week, unseasonably, unreasonably, and record- breaking HOT. It makes it a bit hard to get into the Spirit of the season, but by golly we try.


I would usually have their costumes figured out by August, but I didn’t even start asking until September and I didn’t even have the spooky energy to try to influence them into being something imaginative. I offered suggestions, but they both are going with arguably the most basic of traditional costumes.

I mean as long as they’re happy, but I feel I’ve failed to encourage them creatively here. It’s one of my  milder parental failures, so I’ll try not to dwell on it until it’s one of those days when all the rest of my failures get together and maybe decide to use that one to beat me with when I’m down because my brain is amazing.

For most of October, the only whisper of cooler weather came around twilight so we would dive outside like bats when the sun started to set. Because Summer, it had been months since we had even driven through City Park, so we swung by the playground last week and hung out until the actual bats started to come out, then stopped by the new Cafe Du Monde there for some beignets in the moonlight.

The sugar mountains were perhaps the wrong choice for a bedtime snack. 


The black clothes fought a good battle, but the night belonged those beignets.

Lily was excited for her very first ever field trip at the start of the month. Her class went to a pumpkin patch in  Hammond  and I was a little jealous, (about the pumpkin patch, not Hammond)  though I don’t know that pumpkin picking in pumpkin-rotting weather would have been as much fun for me. Bonus: face painting!

Her little pumpkin has already started to rot. She will not let me throw it out.

But the most exciting development of October so far, is the confirmation that Lily needs glasses. Our doctor had mentioned that it might be a possibility a couple of years ago, so I wasn’t that surprised when I got the note from the school saying that she had failed her sight test.

When asked what letter was in the box she said it was an ‘R” that was written wrong. She’s still learning her letters.

I don’t wear glasses and in hindsight I should’ve had Mark do this with her because I wasn’t sure what questions to ask. I skipped the eye drops because they said they weren’t absolutely necessary and burned for a few seconds when they put them in. I’ve known Lily for a while now- well enough to know how that would go down. So hopefully the prescription is correct, because it seems pretty strong for a good sight- haver like myself.

I’m not sure why glasses make people look smarter, but that little pin she’s wearing is for her second reading award in 3 weeks, so the look matches the brain here. Also- HOW ADORABLE?!?!


When she first put them on, she was laughing and amazed that the grass looked “all sideways”. She also said that when she looked down the ground looked far away. I’m told this is normal. She would get these headaches after being in the car for a bit that I was thinking might be related to her needed glasses, so we’ll see if they help. Other than that, I don’t know how to tell if they’re helping because she’s never complained about not being able to see.

Violet (just trying on some frames for fun here) said that she didn’t want Lily to have glasses because she wasn’t used to her having them. Lily snapped back, “Well, you know when YOU got your braces*I* wasn’t used to them for a long time. Like TEN days.”

The girls are just wrapping up Fall Break- which is something I never had when I was a kid in The Great White North. It’s normally a nice few days to do Fall Things after being cooped up for months so thankfully it is finally just starting to feel like October- just in time for Octoberween. 

Though, since the summer was slow to die, it could still rise up again here and there so there’s no saying  that this sort of thing is done for the year:









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