“I am a sound source of reason.” – Me

I got maybe two hours of sleep last night. Every time I would drift off, something pulled me back awake.  
My favorite part was when about 20 minutes after getting into bed I hear a high pitched “Eeeeeeeeee!” noise coming from the living room.

 I knew Mark wasn’t home and that it wasn’t the roomba, so I froze under the covers and listened until I heard it again, louder and longer this time. For some reason, I was starting to decide that *obviously* it was some home invasion involving sick, sadistic people wearing large silly masks and wielding comically large knives. So I rolled out of bed to pull the door’s curtain aside, rather than let that train of thought really get rolling, and Violet is just standing there, crying. She had a bad dream and didn’t want to open my door and wake up Lily, so she just stood there. Like a creep, the poor precious dear. 

It took much snuggling to get her back to her own bed.
So, I just took a four hour nap and now my day is all screwy. I had a dream though, that I was on some road trip and a sage-like voice, like if a lady version of  Morgan Freeman did a voice over-like in one of those commercials for antidepressants was saying “What would you do if you were completely free from responsibilities for a day? That is what you should be doing with your life..”

I woke up with the confused response of, “…day drinking?”  
I told Mark about this and he informed me that Dream Me gives bad life advice and I was like, does she though? Does she?



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