Just Wake Me Up When Fall Gets Here

She really captured our hollow-souled stares well. She even gave me purple hair

September was rough.

It was hot and it was stressful and now that we’ve passed through October’s door, maybe good things will head our way, especially for Violet because that kid really needs a win here.

The first parent/teacher conference happened a couple of weeks ago and Lillian is doing really well- especially considering how much school she missed because of Germs. We knew that she was clever and quick, but even her teacher was pretty impressed by how well she picked up on concepts they had barely even started. She’s apparently a math kid!

Her art also continues to be delightfully strange. Can you pick out Lily’s square?



It’s this one. Now do you see the happily screaming bird? Once I saw the pink eye and the red of it’s open mouth, I can’t unsee it.



As for Violet, the 2019 results of that Mega Big Yearly Standardized Test that she will spend half of  every year of her life preparing for said that she’s Mastery level in reading and writing and she’s been getting perfect scores in Spanish class, however the struggles of the ridiculously difficult to understand fifth grade math are real. And common, I hear. But none of that matters as much because the reason this year has been so brutal for her has nothing to do with academics- it’s the other kids.

 I’m not going to get into it yet, but I’ll just say that I’m carefully trying every avenue and I’m considering all of my options before I decide on what needs to be done to give her a better chance at thriving.  I’m on high alert here and I’m really hoping things get better.

In the meantime, we’re doing what we can to get make the most of our time at home and impatiently awaiting any semblance of Fall. If it gets below 90 degrees, the girls try for some outdoor fun, but it ends up being brief because it turns out that just less than  90 is still %^$# hot.

At least the back yard is pleasant. In the shade. With a breeze. At dusk.


Spray chalk is supposed to wash off. It does not.



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New baby Elephant Ears and the Lily-sized ones that have been growing all summer.


The neighbor’s hyacinth is spreading and wrapping it’s way up the Japanese Yew tree like a garland. I didn’t even know they made beans! Poisonous, poisonous beans!


We’ve also been noticing a shift in the wildlife in the yard. Mark saw a family of raccoons out there one night, there are about a thousand little brown lizards scurrying everywhere you look and I’ve noticed some new bird songs in the mornings.


Speaking of new birds, found this oddball in the pecan tree:


It’s been upsetting the squirrels.


But the kids just love him.



Here’s hoping Fall actually shows up for October!






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