Running to Stand Still

Today. I had one slightly sick and very grumpy child who was alternately angry or crying over every possible thing.  
I also had a toddler that has gone and decided that she doesn’t require naps anymore-completely overlooking the fact that naps are the only thing preventing her from becoming a violent, emotionally deranged lunatic when you put on the wrong show. Or the cheese is the wrong color. Or you don’t let her flush the toilet. Or her shirt touches her body. Or the cat is sleeping. Or you turned the light on in the completely dark room she was playing in.  
Together, they would play merrily. And then the big one would yell at the little one. Or the little one would hit the big one. And I would have to put one or the other in time out, and then one or the other would cry because they were separated and I was mean and all they wanted to do was play with each other. This happened…oh….many, many times.  

Sometimes they butt heads figuratively AND literally. Also, boxes do the same job as toys but for much less $$$-something to keep in mind next gift giving holiday.

Today was not about putting out fires, but rearranging them.   
Today was a Sisyphean nightmare.  
This on why people keep hard liquor on hand.

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