Songs Of November

So Violet loves Halloween music so much that early on I had to restrict it to after dark only, which made for fun evenings driving around City Park at night blasting Jack Skellington with the windows down in September.

She wasn’t happy when I reminded her on one car ride that after Halloween, no more Halloween music was going to be played (because my sanity is both precious and precarious) but hey, then we can switch over to all the Thanksgiving tunes!

Then I began, loudly singing what I called “The Turkey Song” , which consisted only of me yelling “GOOBLE GOOBLE GOOBLE!!” shrilly and rhythmically for the rest of the ride home.

Mark drank heavily that night.

Anyway, I thought it was obvious that I was joking, but she was pretty disappointed come Nov. 1st to find no such Tday music existed on Pandora so she requested that I find some.


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