The Snowman


We watched “The Snowman” for the first time last night and Violet was just shocked and confused at the ending.

“WHY would they end it so sad?!” She kept asking me, so as her mother I felt the need to help her understand the lessons of the story- as I understood them.

“Well, because the Snowman didn’t drop the boy into the frigid ocean where his small body would sink beneath it’s depths, never to be seen again- the Snowman could not himself be made flesh.” She seemed confused so I continued. ” You see, because he did not complete his task and the sacrifice was not made, he could not be recreated in the boy’s form and live on, like many snowcreatures do and have done since the sun was ignited and humanity began.”

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“In short Violet, he didn’t do what he set out to do and paid with his life. It worked out for the boy of course, he was allowed to live and grow up to become David Bowie, but when children let a stranger into their house and allow them to go through their parent’s personal things without their permission, it could end very badly for everyone. So really, the ending wasn’t so sad when you think of what could have happened  instead. Anyway, bedtime!”

I’m so glad I discovered another holiday classic!

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