Visiting Beasts

Before it was technically summer and I could open the door without feeling like I was getting smacked in the face with the entire surface of the sun, I took the girls on a trip to the zoo– knowing that it would be the last time I’d be doing so until October when the air no longer felt like heavy, suffocating, inescapable velvet jam.

The zoo is expensive and we are perpetually broke, so we hadn’t been able to go there for at least a couple of years. The benefit of this was that seeing the animals would be practically a new experience for Lily.

Or it would have been anyway.

As soon as she saw there was playground, the living exotic animals immediately lost their appeal to the slightly different version of a thing she’s played on at various parks dozens of times. Fortunately we were able to get a membership this year or at 60 bucks, this would’ve been the most expensive playground trip ever.

I was at least able to get them to the closest animals.

Hello Kitty.


Of all of the animal at the zoo, the gorillas always seem the most visibly annoyed at having people gawk at them which is both relatable and understandable.



This bird is usually strolling around the zoo freely but one minute he was behind us and the next it was up here and so this was the day I learned that peacocks can fly OR at least that *this* one can teleport.


The only animals they were excited about.
Her panda obsession hasn’t wavered so this is a portrait of pure joy.





The carousel creatures are beautifully detailed and I told the children that I like to imagine that they come to life at night when the zoo is empty…


..except the more I thought about it, the more horrific that scenario became, as the adorable beasts are skewered right through their bodies with giant metal poles, forever locking them in their rotating prison..


The inhuman screams from the zoo at night would be unceasing and unBEARable.


They quietly held hands for both times they rode, proving that they really do love each other and get along wonderfully well on days when I fill them with sugarĀ  and give them every single thing they want.


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